

Members of Congress On-Demand

Biden to Biden on a Secure Line…

A Fictional Transcript by Chris in Context
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🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔1 Minutes, 34 Seconds

FAKE TRANSCRIPT Biden to his Dad, about the results of Chinese + Ukranian negotiations.

“Hey Dad, they offered me a Million bucks.”

“…Just a Million?”

“Just kidding,  It was a bit more than that.”

“You’re kidding.  More than we gave to Yang!  Okay let’s hear it.”

“A Billion five.”

“Okay how about Ukraine?”

“$80,000 a month!  And that doesn’t even include the other guys, they’re going to have more options after the 2020 election, they say.  Our old friends.”

“Great!”  Joe said.  “That’s a good start.  Let’s hope the headlines about Trump stick long enough for this little story to never be a story!  Love you son; you’re the future for Bidens.  The people love us!  And the best part is, the Ukranians and Russians are pinned against each-other.  Same with the Chinese!  As long as they do us favors (such as not investigating us) we should be fine!  The US Congress is going to be busy with Trump until I become President in 2020.”

( + 54 more pages to be released later )




I'm @chrisincontext on Instagram

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