Watching Congress Every Day

MOC On-Demand
I know some who post 365 days per year on their blog, in detail, and with photos. Through gathering posts from other blogs is it possible to adequately cover a topic like the US Congress? I have paid enough attention to the US Congress over the last 3 years that I have noticed a noticeable lack of people covering the stories that matter.
Historians are more neatly and accurately curating the daily activities of the US Congress than I. But over time, I have certainly heard countless hearings on issues from Immigration to Impeachment.
I hear more than the sound bytes and when I post I share more than the sound bytes. C-SPAN provides all the video and related resources that you would need to really research what happened in the time leading up to the writing of this, today’s post.
I think that one thing historians would note is, The United States of America is deciding what to unite around. Politically speaking, the year 2020 has been marked so far by the completion of BREXIT. The USA is now primed for either option in November 2020. On 11/3/2020 Americans will decide whether we are going back to Democrat control of the Executive Branch (reinstating power with the party behind the CROSSFIRE HURRICANE operation which spied on members of the Trump Campaign) or whether America decides America needs 4 more years of Donald Trump, 2021 is less than one sun-trip away.
Q-Anon has said it, Members of Congress have said it, FISA Brings Down the House. So what does it mean?
Today leading Democrat Candidate Bernie Sanders for President Campaign Co-Chair Nina Turner said “Hello, Somebody” and then said “Whose side are you on…. either you are on the side of the people or you are not.” She wants America to decide to elect Senator Bernard Sanders the next President of the United States of America.
Mayor Pete’s heretofore mapped history is lacking a canvas and a timeline and some color. As his campaign further communicates these aspects, it will be one of the topics of upcoming coverage on MOC On-Demand. He has shown in a recent debate that he is at least able to usurp the message of Joe Biden. That’s something all Americans can get behind. Never Joe Biden. As for his chances to win a debate with Donald Trump, I would have to be proven wrong by a miracle but – DJT would walk circles around Pete. If your goal is to elect someone backed by billionaires who act with favoritism and change the rules when it suits them, then Mayor Pete might actually be who gets your support.
There’s a lot of candidates in this race still, and many of the seats in the House of Representatives are more controversially held now by Democrats than at any other time in history. Across the Country in districts with booming population levels, negative policies of the past block progress of the future. Or in other words, it is up to new minds to chart the future with their minds and use their voice and their first amendment to be vocal about who they support, and why.