

Members of Congress On-Demand




User features:

  • >> Zip Code focused User Experience for all US Districts and US Territories.  Local politics knows best.  Party leaders know the rest.
  • [Find your Representatives] in an easy-to understand way.  It is the Congressperson’s right and responsibility to claim their profile on mocondemand.com.  Their choice to participate or not participate will be respected.
  • Interested users can subscribe to members of congress on-demand for updates (Twitter Updates, RSS Updates, Voting Records, News Interviews, Remarks on Record, Photos, Video Coverage) within the “keep me posted” sections of mocondemand.com.

User voice features:

  1. Create a topic of debate any time, even if it already “exists” and even if it’s “old news”.   Use it to make a connection.
  2. Comment your views on a topic of debate, in a private or public way.  Others will see as you start rethinking your ideas as new #facts (real news) impacts the body of information accessed about a political issue.

Topics of News will incorporate:

  • SCOTUS cases
    • Calendar (past and future)
    • Documentation (what the clifs notes for SCOTUS would look like, if there ever were one).
    • Analysis and explanations.
  • Congress (House + Senate)
    • Committee System
    • Highlights + Lowlights
  • President Trump / VP
    • Speeches
    • Campaign
    • Executive Branch
  • Relevancy Tailoring
    • By State (Local Knows Best)
    • Trending (News that once was “the story”)
  • Affiliate Content (TBA)
    • Average Potatoes from Average Affiliates Acclimating in the first soil of the political season…
  • Technology trends
    • Summaries with some R&D
  • Hearing Summaries
    • High-Level (opening statements, closing statements, questions by member, answers from witnesses)
    • Long-Form (a congressanon podcast series covering upcoming hearings on select events)
    • Video Archive Library via C-SPAN
  • New/Existing Laws/Bills (CONGRESS.GOV)
    • Full Text/PDFs
    • Summaries + Schedule
  • National Security
    • Opposing Viewpoints
    • Facts
    • Cover Stories
  • Economy
    • Trends (Domestic, Global)
    • Metrics (Domestic, Global)
    • Commentary
  • Comparative view analysis
    • Agree
    • Disagree
    • Explain
    • Illustrate
    • Compare
  • State of the Union
    • React and respond to the words of Trump’s 2019 SOTU speech.  Why did Members of Congress selectively applaud, when American Greatness was highlighted.  What will the 2020 SOTU convey to the world?  What expectation do you have for the 2020 State of the Union Speech?  What messages of American Greatness can Trump bring to a #UnitedCongress in 2020?  Is it too much to ask for?  The State of the Union is a fundamentally important part of Our Democracy.