

Members of Congress On-Demand

Opportunity to Contact Congressanon

No Malarkey??????? MalArkey-DetECTed
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🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔29 Minutes, 31 Seconds

Hello, Audience

I can be reached by email at Congressanon@pm.me for comment and MAILING ADDRESS.

Sending you and your loved ones a Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from MAND

Sending a check sealed with a request of some kind?  Just tell me what the corresponding task is, and I will gladly accept both the check and the challenge!

This can be issued by the Members of any of the users for this site.  The USER BLOGS section is experimental and basically allows anyone to post. Underused, and under-featured.  Chat does not exist here yet.  Other changes are coming up soon.

You see, the conundrum is clear.  I have for a long time had a concept which demands a lack of PII and other user-centricity, and the full solution has yet to be implemented here.

You would be amazed what can happen in a short period of time in a game, given an AIM.  I want to amaze you as the laws get broken and violations are DISCLOSED, PUBLICIZED, and not covered up by the Main Stream Media. 

Unique Sets of Challenges Not Met at the Drop of a Hat

One feels the effect of time that has allowed for a seemingly infinite amount of hats to drop.  Are you still listening?  Some are all ears and not specifically on ME, but really on the ball.  Some like to gather and consume as much information as I do.  Daily I am extending and producing a real and consequential philosophy to share with whoever encounters the Posts available herein.

In upcoming earthspins, MAND is changing the content to be RUMBLE-FIRST.  This involves enhancements and changes to pages which attempt to include deleted and banned “YouTube videos.”  These videos were shared in the midst of viewing them live, so that the audience could be a part of the events which I found to be especially significant.

It is not hard to catch a tech company in the act of defending a truly crooked politician (thinking of Hillary Clinton and others) by simply rendering the unfavorable news coverage INACCESSIBLE and REMOVING IT from the platform.  THE ADVERTISERS that have made GOOGLE RICH are ultimately in charge of what gets censored.  December 13th Clinton Foundation Hearing

>>> It was a story of deception, lines of inquiry and suspicion, unfounded charges, extreme paranoia, and the garden-variety critique on our society that belonged, for a time, only in the journal of the leader of the Decentralized Unintelligible Agency, Christopher Joseph Hanrahan.

>> Were so many people all systemically unaware of the same things all at once? The answer, understood in the context of making sense of the world, is yes.  The fact that they fell somewhere between not having a clue, and not wanting to connect the dots was obvious, had always been obvious, and will always be obvious.  In their opinion, the facts were not what was the most important; instead it was the way the narrative was created and shared that had always been the most crucial.  Especially when few new anything and many knew nothing, there was an opportunity to make some announcements. And many potentially misleading announcements have been accepted every day, through the entire history of the Malarkey Administration so far.  If Trump was in charge, clarity would be more commonplace, and panic would be replaced by prosperity.  Best to have neither, best to keep your nose to the grindstone that can sharpen you so that the EVIL can meet a sharp and sudden end.  Think about it like the piercing scream of 1001 Ashli Babbitts.  RE-VISIT her background and learn what there is to know about her.  Rest in Peace – she should not have been killed. 

One caller to cspan mentioned that the officer who shot and killed Ashli was the only Capital Police Officer that did their job on 1/6/2021.  I strongly disagree.  Ashli Babbitt, we will never forget what virtue your cause represented, and the person who shot and killed you is known to be DEEMED INNOCENT by the very institute that so fecklessly prepared him and the other officers for that inevitable day of Confrontation (not Insurrection).  The real insurrection happened on….. 11/3/2020. 

Hashtags and Other Things

An Experimental Outcome to Share:

>>> Voting on hashtags (A vs. B) towards a curated feed on a given topic can indeed be used to describe the intention of a subset of users. 

However, many users want to OWN their feed and have it be a way to identify them as a person.  For example, someone who shares an #ivoted post who does not spend ALL of their time posting and discussing politics.  What exposure does that post, for which the politics descriptor is accurate and describes the post (but perhaps not the profile)?  The post has a hashtag, but does an identical post without the same hashtag still find itself living in the same universe as the #ivoted post in question?  Should it?  Should it compete, or blend with what else is there under that category?  What adjustments to the mindset of the audience are made simply because of the way the network exposes content to the “followers” that chose to follow each account’s prior and future postings?

One methodology would be to disintegrate the past posts, or to remove classifiers from the posts so that there is no place for them to collect or be used to establish the EGO of any users.  Ever heard of aiming for high LOGOS instead?

Depending on the algorithms that are employed, the latest set of postings made by a group of “followed” accounts, on networks such as META, can show up in your feed, and “followers” are given the opportunity to pass by, or “like” the latest several.  The posts that await each user’s impressions are constantly shuffling, and at any given time there are 20-40 posts queued for each user to see, if they were to log-in “Now”.

Unused Realities, Substituted w/ Prepared Distractions

Sometimes these prepared or “primed” impressions will inevitably go “unused” as the user does not view their feed during the designated period of time.  The metadata for these posts are used to feed into an idle algorithm, which estimates, guesses, and decides whether you would have liked the content.  Users who are like you and who like similar content in some measure inform these indicators directly, in real time, and without any REAL intervention on your part.  Then what???? The inference apparently does not serve any strong purpose towards improving the circumstances for the USERS and the message is not one of scientific assurance but of loose logic and guesswork.  Guesswork which is in some cases prefferrable to the lack of similar data…. A corporation that wants to make assumptions a substitute for fact, to keep the wheels oiled.  Something most corporations eventually come to know they must do is, be honest about their assumptions including the ignored drawbacks inherent to their designs.

As users get to choose whether their likes can be viewed, there are settings which apply to those who get “restricted” on Instagram, too.  Take the case of an ex-girlfriend who does not want to be tagged in any pictures.  Perhaps there is an intention to do so, on the part of the ex-boyfriend and perhaps there is not.  The intention to mute and hide (to all others) these future events creates a shield of sorts, in the context of some social situations being more like a LIMIT of the network, not something they enable and MAXIMIZE.  Something to take a look at is, what happens when things change in the real world (such as a change of heart) and what happens in the METAVERSE as a result.

Some cases of interpretability exist apart from the rest.  For instance, what are the results of the actions you have taken, vs. the results of the actions of others?

Who was arrested and why, as so many get excused for crimes, being instantly bailed out by George Soros (+ others) in the summer of 2020.  What investigations are being done regarding all of the rioting, looting, and killing of innocent people that took place in the 50 states… some more than others?

The Senate has blocked a 1/6/2021 Commission from being formed, which is a good thing.  What we don’t need is another report describing cause and effect from the perspective of the favoritism in narrative that emerges into the MSM and then official reports such as these.

The buildings on 9/11/2001 did not fall due to a natural “jet fuel office fire” which shortly followed the impact of the planes into the Twin Towers.  The question is, is the cause (the planes into the buildings, the words of a President into the ears of his followers (and others)) directly-linked to the effect (the collapsed buildings, the capital being breached) or not.  If secondary causes of each of these events are to be included in the reports the US Government issues on these events, then the focus must out-scope the question.  An emphasis on a progression of events (a timeline) is something that naturally gets included in such a body of work and the message is meant to inform the public, but not to include any erroneous material about things such as “conspiracy theories”.

Bitcoin-hungry Ransomware-as-service is a virus in the world of free enterprise, where outcomes are left uncertain in the wake of extreme technological vulnerability. Many big companies get that way by paying attention to everything that goes on. Even in doing just that, it is hard to defend against much of it, without having help from the makers of the internet. The internet in its current form needs to be changed… even though WEB 3.0 is here.  What are the issues? Persistent and sneak-cyberattacks are something that I anticipate will continue into the future in an unmitigated and wild way – which is not what anyone wants to happen. There has to be a simple solution to this, having to do with CITIZEN to DEVICE licensing in America beyond the way it has been done in prior years.  On every front, users expect privacy that they don’t have.  Businesses suffer because they are using solutions that create problems, instead of using better solutions to solve bigger problems. Just make available a few more layers of insight and metrics for a company to defensibly track, and each company would be a little less silent and one congruent cybersecurity footprint might be formed in the USA. In turn, other countries should also have the opportunity to harness the internet to their advantage.  In order to make any of this happen, people in power have to ACCEPT and APPLY a new paradigm of thinking about the internet.

Project Sidewalk (a Failure or a Success Just Waiting to Happen??)

Innovating in the area of Internet of Things is one of Amazon’s current plans. Until reading this status update, had you heard about Amazon’s recent plans regarding their IOT devices and Alexa? The plan is that all logged in, powered on Alexa or Fire devices will by default share their internet with neighboring devices. What does this mean for the future of accountability on the internet? Is Amazon prepared to erect a suitable wall, to protect each end user?

The stories around these topics will be hard to believe. Pay attention to who writes all the articles you read, and who approves their content. The still-developing story regarding major attacks which have effected Amazon.com, Twitch.com (which is also an Amazon owned company), and many others, is a source of intrigue. The thing to realize is there are many different types of attacks that the current internet enables, and when companies like Amazon make disruptive innovations there are always rules that have to be rewritten.

>>> Who does the writing of those rules??

>>> Why not you??

>> Who on earth approves??


I walk a fine line anytime I write about APPROVING and DISAPPROVING anything such as this.  Am I AUTHORIZED to have such opinions? Am I a heretic or a madman in discussing these things?

Bitcoin-hungry Ransomware-as-service is a virus in the world of free enterprise, where outcomes are left uncertain in the wake of extreme technological vulnerability. Many big companies get that way by paying attention to everything that goes on. Even in doing just that, it is hard to defend against much of it, without having help from the makers of the internet. The internet in it’s current form needs to be changed. There are problems with cyberattacks are that I anticipate will continue in an unmitigated and wild way – just like you would not like to happen. There has to be a simple solution to this, having to do with CITIZEN to DEVICE licensing in America. Just have a few more layers for a company to defensibly track, and each company would be a little less silent and one congruent cybersecurity footprint might be formed in the USA. In turn, other countries should also have the opportunity to harness the internet to their advantage.

Innovating in the area of Internet of Things is one of Amazon’s current plans. Until reading this status update, had you heard about Amazon’s recent plans regarding their IOT devices and Alexa? The plan is that all logged in, powered on Alexa or Fire devices will by default share their internet with neighboring devices. What does this mean for the future of accountability on the internet? Is Amazon prepared to erect a suitable wall, to protect each end user?

The stories around these topics will be hard to believe. Pay attention to who writes all the articles you read, and who approves their content. This developing story regarding a major attack has effected Amazon.com, Twitch.com (which is also an Amazon owned company),, Target.com, and more. The thing to realize is there are many different types of attacks that the current internet enables, and when companies like Amazon make disruptive innovations there are rules that have to be rewritten. Who does the writing of those rules?? Why not you?

The buildings on 9/11/2001 evidently did not collapse into their own footprint at the rate of freefall due to natural “jet fuel office fires” which shortly followed the impact of the planes into the Twin Towers. The question is, is the cause (that the buildings got hit by planes) directly linked to the effect (the collapsed buildings) or not? Consider the true nature of cause and effect in a complicated world.

Causes and Events will always be included in the reports the US Government issues on these INCIDENTS, and delivering that message is a reflection of the messenger and is meant to inform the public, but not to include any erroneous material about things such as “conspiracy theories” or details which could be easily linked together to form such a theory.  The most dangerous theory is one that you truly think of on your own, and then share with the world as an original, hopefully relatively readable part of #USHistory.

End Users fund companies like Amazon which attempt disruptive innovation after disruptive innovation.  Sometimes, this causes benefits to accumulate.  Sometimes, it causes other outcomes among users.  Bait-and-switch is about changing for the worst, from one perspective, and it is about optimizing from the other point-of-view.

Maybe MAGA supporters will be further marginalized as time goes forward as tensions mount, and future interactions in “THE UPCOMING ELECTION” become increasingly unpredictable. When does violence, property destruction and theft happen, and at whose hands? Maybe the framework that some companies establish has the effect of leaving the structure of tensions a little too flimsy and flaccid be useful or support itself.  What Will Internet Security Look Like With Web 4.0? A Bad End User actor will be able to interact with whatever Amazon continues to create, and can work to exploit it, whether they are a Nation State or a Lone Actor.  This, in many ways, is equivalent to leaving the elevator shafts wide open so that whoever wanted to plant thermite, could do so circa September, 2001.

What Do You Expect Next?

Residing in the future, will you have any questions about how you should interpret the things that have happened in the past?

Which reality is the one you will live within, and whose actions effect the things you hear about, read, talk about, write about, etc… Do you stick to convention religiously, and do you think “it matters” consistently? Do your words form sentences which are meant to dissuade questions, or do they form questions that are meaningful on their own? Could the answer be hiding in a box, a relic of the past? Uncover it while you still have some semblance of being aware.

Do You Know What I Mean?

When others choose to promote or censor what YOU have to say, do you know? Downstream, do you know. know what I mean? Do you know what I mean when I ask, do you know what I mean?

THE USPS Certifies US Elections. A definite vulnerability exists in the way they do that.  Member Directed Spending must come together to cause a solution to arise in al Congressional Districts in this Country.

Previously Undercover Initiates – A Storyline For Your Own Intrigue

We as the initiates were introduced to what “SPECIFIC” specifics look like, specific truths, and what general disinformation looks like, which varies from detecting and combating misinformation, which deals with how to spot a similar subset of SECRET lies.  But why would lies be so involved in the American Way?  For what reason, and to serve what purpose or utility?  In other words, to what end?

Control Group, Variables, Documentation

How do proponents of the vaccine define infertility? They will claim, first of all, that there is no evidence of this effect.


Some of the booster shot metrics or OUTCOMES will be up to each person to judge for themselves (effectiveness, force used, etc., etc.). The discussion on CSPAN branches out to broader research before many of the more low-informed, errantly confident “science deniers” are just fine with the unchallenged prevailing views as they float through the wind to be sampled and selectively cited by each Information Host (you, the user, the product).

What is the answer – is this safe to take? Is it necessary?  Does it get properly injected into the muscle, which is ready for the vaccination?  What about HIPPA?  How does the virus spread, and how does the vaccine spread?  is there a place for non-disclosure in the process of verifying vaccination?  What will be the freedom profile of someone who is vaccinated vs. not?  There will be a difference in opinion over what should be made LAW to compensate for the medical inequality that this situation.

Talking about the birus? Then you are commonly seeing strongly held opinions that are not based in complete information: a paradigm that is more common than you may think.  Much depends on what information you get your hands on and it depends on the barbs of convincing that irreversibly sink in. Appraising the situation at the present time as anything less than a completely unmitigated risk landscape is short-sighted, because we are in a MEDICAL WARFARE ERA and many are refusing to acknowledge that fundamental fact.


Christopher J. Hanrahan



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