

Members of Congress On-Demand

CoronaVirus #StayHomeStaySafe


Stalwart Washington

Watching Monk with volume on an iPad while Watching Silicon Valley with low volume on a smart TV
Would you know the side of the story you discover, having not rewatched both shows in this way?
Do you have the time to take the plunge and commit to such a feat?
Do the episodes blend in ways that can make you say it yourself?
Is the creation of these posts surprising to anyone, when you add in the fact that on ESPN the F1 (e-games) championship is a nice contest that can be mixed in for triplication of effects. Just keep adding until you either decide the activity is not for you, or that you can turn around and do something with the lesson on your own.

Now is a serious time to be a duck in a pond.
Do you have the mentality it takes to make so
meone see something differently? Proving it
is the hard part. Infusing your own reality i
nto someone else’s world is ALWAYS a very per
ilous scenario. Don’t drive blind, and act o
n negative instinct. Trust that some of what
you think is unique about yourself really is!

You have to decide that what you are doing ma
kes sense to you. Whether that is writing a
blog or doing a podcast.

That message of hanging on to what makes you
you, is especially important at a time when t
he strategy “stay home stay safe” has some pe
ople being OCD like Monk, some people buildin
g their S-Corporations like Pied Piper, some
people racing, some people doing things that
while interesting and useful, just don’t do t
oo well under pressure. In the world of Good
vs. Evil, Good Prevails for this reason. Tho
se whose lives have depended on winning that
war have won.

The winner in an ESPORTS game does not divulg
e the source of his advantage. And the races
seem to be filled with absolute ROOM for adva
ntage (hey, have a 4th screen? throw on FOCU
S for some additional…) I would not recomm
end bringing this additional screen into the
scenario unless it is something you feel you
want to do. As for now….. I am not lacking
the focus. But I feel that if I were to, the
n adding something like SALT or FOCUS (both m
ovies you should watch in a 1-screen scenario
) then the FOCUS would be increased by seeing
the plot of those movies unfold in the backgr
ound as attempts to be productive push the en
velope on a Sunday Morning in BOTHELL, WA.

Whether it is instinct or luck, if you do suc
ceed in creating something useful, you will f
ind out faster than ever in today’s world. I
n a world of Good and Evil, we see that two o
pposing forces have become more wicked in pro
ving their Evil, and in proving their Good.

They are good, in a world that creates good.

Think about the way in 2 weeks the whole world
can change, for the (worse) or (better). I think
the dangerous part about the 3-screen challenge is not the fact the message would tend to be unique to each person… and not relevant to each point of view, the thing that can be done about your 2 weeks that begin now, are if you could use MORE, have more, and if you could use LESS have less. The ways others are winning in ESPORTS for instance, depends on a lot of things (as in car setups, learning how to make the simulator work best for you) and the risklessness of driving beyond the “real world racing” limit, and to the “esports limit”. Don’t go anywhere and on ESPN there is more racing on the way, more detective action by MONK (it’s a jungle out there) and perhaps of the very least urgency or importance, you can watch the works of a startup on HBO, for free. And changing roles from advantage getter to WINNER is a simple process.

So while you grapple on your own with the fact that the world could be better if you Stay Home and Stay Safe,
Just find something to watch on a screen near you. And know, the revolution is being televised, even if it’s

A glimpse of the real future I will create, given that these are 3 areas (the subject matter of the shows, that is) that I have taken an interest in, is
available to anyone who reads this sea of words.

In virtual racing, the moves that racers would never make on a real course, are made in a world that has its share of approachable and breakable limits.

Performing at the highest level has in that way, a lack of jeopardy. As real racers race side-by-side, the field’s limits are met with the offset of each moment of passing time.

As the Piper Pipes its Pie on one screen, playing “always blue” and as Monk runs towards the refrigerator in Slow Motion, bumping the table’s contents onto the ground (twice) one of these (a true fan would know) are what happens next in the scene.

A) A Grenade in an Egg Carton
B) Rancid Soft Cheese
C) Poison in a Milk Jug

As the world of Silicon Valley (and the Pied Piper Startup) evolves through the seasons, each passing moment for Monk brings something new to become obsessed with and focus on.

As the plot of the esports season unfolds, the leader is leading in ways that deserve lots of recognition, indeed.

(c) ESPTribe and MOC On-Demand 2020

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