A 2018 Still in Review

December 31, 2018
By: Chris Hanrahan
As fast as fast can be, the year 2018 is now expiring with an accompanying blue strobe skyward flash.
OverHeard in the Halls of Potato Network HQ
The 2019 Wikipedia page for SOTU has not yet been created, but the previous speeches and their ratings, can even suggest hints of “what’s to come” this time around.
Just one year ago, the month of January 2018 began a midterm year. Public sentiment was focused upon the increasing divide between those who do vs. do not support President Trump. During the January 30, 2018 State of The Union Address, President Trump received very little applause from the Democrats. The difference in applause patterns, line by line, will be studied (and posted here) for 2019, as this will be a likely repeat of last year. The Full SOTU Speech will also be shared. The audience for the 2018 speech included 46 million viewers and more than 20 million interactions regarding the Address on social media.
The next SOTU address will occur on January 29, 2019.

The alien space ship has been cleared for landing. There have been wildfires, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, and tsunamis as well as what appears to be a prolonged presence of Fukushima radiation and other environmental factors which have exhibited a worrying trend, such as global warming.
Grab the Popcorn!