Three Weeks Until Jay Inslee (D-WA Gov) Decides to Run for US President in 2020
By: Chris Hanrahan
Jay Inslee and Howard Schultz are both Seattle, WA candidates for 2020.
No presidential candidate for 2020, with the exception of Incumbent President Donald Trump has more than 8% of the vote, the latest polls show. Of course there are still 3 more weeks until possible candidates such as Jay Inslee (D-WA Gov) decide to either wade in and announce candidacy. It is possible that many candidates will run for President in 2020, for the one and only time in their lives. People have estimated as high as 1,000 candidates are considering running for the job.
Will people like Jeb Bush decide to run again? What will be seen on the GOP side. Texas Ted Cruz has also announced his intention to run for US President in 2020.
Anything Goes.