

Members of Congress On-Demand

An Ex FBI Director – James Comey

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By Chris Hanrahan

In the transcripts to his 12/7/2018 interview, it is clear that James Comey was not shy about giving “non answers” to interviewers. In a way, some of his inability and unwillingness (granted that some was due to the lawyers he had present) to articulate anything that went on with the Russia Investigation is to be expected.

Since he was fired as FBI Director, the investigations have proceeded and some of the relevant facts may have changed. It appears that at no time did he or his FBI have the basis for solid findings. In fact, he seems to have a disdain for those who want to discuss, again, the crimes involving Hillary Clinton and her emails, and the Anthony Weiner / Huma Abedin “Crimes Against Children”.

So in light of the publishing of James Comey’s April 2018 book, “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership” let’s take a closer look at what has been said. His book was published in the month that a no-knock raid was conducted on Michael Cohen (Trump’s Lawyer). If there is anything else to be written about Comey, Cohen and the Clintons, I will write it!

I find the facts that don’t go mentioned in the news, the most interesting. In fact, I believe that James Comey’s role as the Director of the FBI (2013-2017) after leaving Lockheed Martin needs to be looked at in much greater detail. There is a haunting element to the “Truth, Lies, and Leadership” subtitle to his book, and it goes into the topic of his allegiances and background in general.

Anyone who is charged with overseeing US Government Surveillance is held to a higher degree of scrutiny by members of the public. unfortunately, this is not what has met James Comey. In the case of James Comey, there have been a long list of facts which don’t seem to fully add up.

With his latest 12/7/2018 interview behind closed doors, he did not show any hesitation to basically skip questions, and as soon as the interview commenced, he was certainly not shy about voicing his opinions to the media regarding his friend Hillary Clinton. As he said to reporters, the interviewers (including Trey Gowdy) still want to discuss Hillary Clinton’s emails. He passed his judgement on whether that was an appropriate case/matter/crime to discuss. And he has been fairly consistent in doing so, since we first began to hear about the Clinton Email Server debacle in 2016. Trey Gowdy and others are demanding the answers to a frustratingly large number of unanswered questions. This is a political game and the fired Director is still under the scrutiny of serious questions as to the handling of the Russia Investigation, and ultimately also the deluge of crimes that Hillary Clinton committed in her naive handling of classified emails, subpoenaed devices, and all manner of executing her former office responsibly, as Secretary of State.

In fact, the record has shown so much implicating Hillary Clinton, that it’s a mystery to me that she still remains a free woman right now.

So we are now waiting for the 12/17/2018 James Comeysession, which will be a continuation of the frustration felt by Republican members of the committee which have been obstructed by the lawyers of James Comey leading up to this point. Over time, as what Comey has to say continues to lose relevance and as time continues to go on, the facts (the true and complete facts) will be laid bare for the world to see. Indeed, it has been a struggle for truth along this journey. James Comey’s role as the leader of the FBI has not yet gained full resolution. His Truth, Lies, and Leadership motto is going through its paces now, and public scrutiny that I see happening, has not been kind to him. The very way he led the Department of the FBI is under scrutiny now, albeit a rather disconnected brand of scrutiny. But I have confidence in people like Trey Gowdy to continue to uncover the facts.

Congress is just one arm of this inquiry, but several highly important and highly visible/consequential investigations are very much in play. Ultimately, Congress will be front and center for the foreseeable future.

I have my strong opinions. On Facebook, I have my title as “Pro-Trump Journalist at-large” and I mean it. Our President has a supporter in me and I will do whatever I can, to ensure that his great efforts continue to mean something for our Country.

What were the DOJ and FBI thinking during the latter years of Obama’s Presidency? What was the game plan going to be, assuming that Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton would have been elected President in 2016, instead of President Donald John Trump? If you ask this journalist that question, you’ll often get an answer that’s equal parts accusatory and fear based – it would have been a different America and a different World had she been declared fit to lead the United States of America as its president.

Luckily, though they never thought she would lose, she lost. A lot of people disagree with the basis for my view that she would have been a disaster for this Country. But that opinion is only held by her most staunch supporters and by those who don’t know much differently than how their news channel tells them to feel.

Thank you for your early participation in the Members of Congress On-Demand experiment.


Chris Hanrahan

Founder of ESP Tribe and Creator of MOC On-Demand

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